Linear Regression vs. Logistic Regression: Which is Better for Your ML Project?

January 05, 2022


Machine learning is an exciting field that has gained tremendous popularity in recent years. One of the most popular techniques in machine learning is regression analysis, which is used to predict a continuous outcome variable based on one or more predictor variables. In this blog post, we compare two types of regression models - linear regression and logistic regression - to help you determine which is better for your ML project.

Linear Regression

Linear regression is the most commonly used form of regression analysis. This model is ideal for predicting continuous outcomes and is often used in real-time price prediction, weather forecasting, and other areas that require precise numerical predictions. The fundamental assumption behind linear regression is that there is a linear relationship between the predictor variables and the outcome variable.

Linear regression attempts to find the best-fit line that describes this relationship. It does this by minimizing the sum of the squared differences between the predicted values and the actual values. Linear regression is advantageous because it is easy to interpret and produces a simple, easy-to-understand model.

However, linear regression has its limitations. It assumes that the relationship between the predictor variables and the outcome variable is linear, which is not always the case. Additionally, it does not provide explicit confidence intervals for its model coefficients, which can make it difficult to assess the accuracy of the model.

Logistic Regression

Logistic regression is another form of regression that is used to predict categorical outcomes. This model is commonly used in areas like medical research, where binary outcomes (e.g., disease/no disease) need to be predicted. Logistic regression is a classification model that predicts the probability of an event occurring based on predictor variables.

To do this, logistic regression uses a function called the logistic function, which converts the continuous predictor variables into probabilities. A logistic regression model is useful because it provides a probabilistic interpretation of the output, making it easy to understand.

Like linear regression, logistic regression also has its limitations. It can only predict binary outcomes and assumes that the relationship between the predictor variables and the outcome variable is linear on the logit scale. Additionally, it can be challenging to interpret the coefficients of the model, which can make it challenging to understand how they affect the outcome variable.


In summary, both linear regression and logistic regression are powerful tools in regression analysis, and the choice of which one to use depends on the nature of the problem you are trying to solve. If your ML project involves predicting continuous outcomes, then linear regression is likely the way to go. But if your project requires predicting categorical outcomes, like whether a customer will buy a product or not, logistic regression is a better choice.

It's also worth noting that other forms of regression exist, such as polynomial regression, which can be useful in situations where a linear relationship is not appropriate. The most important thing is to understand the strengths and limitations of each model and to use them accordingly.


  • Hastie, T., Tibshirani, R., & Friedman, J. (2009). The elements of statistical learning: data mining, inference, and prediction. New York: Springer.
  • James, G., Witten, D., Hastie, T., & Tibshirani, R. (2013). An introduction to statistical learning. New York: Springer.

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